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Choctaw Soul Recovery, and Extraction

This service is a healing service to recovery pieces of your soul, hidden fragments of your spirit .

Started Dec 10, 2023

Service Description

The benefits of soul recovery and extraction are so incredibly powerful that this healing tool makes everything else pale in comparison: It makes every other healing tool a secondary action. The Soul recovery and extraction can cut years off Therapy, help any illness whether of Spiritual, mental, emotional or physical origin, and enable the person in harmony and create balance, as everything presents its self, first spiritually then becomes physical i.e. illness, chronic disease, mental health challenges etc. How often should soul recovery be done: Once a year after the initial Soul Recovery journey, and Extraction a client should request that the Shaman take a maintenance journey, In January, as that is the beginning of a new year, to see if anything is needed. Other times you may want to consider Soul Recovery, and Extraction which include the following: • If you suffer a traumatic shock, on any level. • If you feel, sense, or have a gut feeling that a person in your life has latched onto a piece of you, is obsessing over you in some way, and cannot release you. • If you suddenly have a drop in energy that does not transform within 24 hours

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

A $ 25.00 fee will be added to all clients that haven't provided 24hr cancellation.

Contact Details

  • South Shore, Chicago, IL, USA


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